Why (Military Resale)?

I wear many hats. Two of my primary hats are military spouse and military marketer. In 2006, I began working in the military channel developing promotions and sales materials, and I became a military spouse in 2010.

If you’ve ever been on a military base (and we would assume so if you are reading this), you know that bases can be a little un-nerving. The atmosphere is, well… militant. Gate guards assume everyone is an intruder and doesn’t belong. You fear for your life and your base privileges if you are caught speeding by just 1 MPH over the posted limit. The national anthem is played every morning and everyone robotically halts to salute the flag when taps or retreat plays at sundown. Members of the world’s most elite fighting force surround you in a sea of camouflage, saluting each other and walking with the upmost importance. Despite all of the pomp and circumstance that may frazzle some, I find that being on base is one of the most comforting and energizing environments you can find.

Reunited after my husband's six and a half month deployment. Best. Day. Ever.

Reunited after my husband’s six and a half month deployment. Best. Day. Ever.

(Places spouse hat on head.) Last year, my husband, a U.S. Marine, served his first combat deployment in Afghanistan. During the deployment I decided to move back home to be near family, leaving my military community behind during one of the hardest times in my life. A sanity-saver was habitually sending care packages to ensure my husband was better fed and as comfortable as possible (read: lots of jerky, air fresheners and foot powder.) The highlight of my week was making the hour-long trek out to an Air Force base (the Commissary was a massive K5 – hooray!) to seek out deals and gather helpful products to send overseas.

During one of my trips I recruited my brother to make the drive with me to hunt and gather at the base for care package items. As we were standing in front of the rows of tuna at the Commissary, I was explaining to him the importance of pop-top cans because can openers were a scarce appliance overseas. That’s when a man, dressed in civilian clothes but unmistakably military, approached and left me stunned.

He benevolently said, “I know what it’s like over there. Tell your husband thank you.” And like that, he handed me $60 cash to help buy care package items and walked away.

Mind you, I had been strong up until this point. I had not cried when I said my goodbyes to my husband in the hangar. I had not cried when I didn’t hear from him for weeks on end. I had not cried when there were casualty reports on the news from Operation Enduring Freedom. I stayed strong. Until that moment.

I let all of the stress of deployment release right there in front of the tuna and the slightly confused patrons. I cried a good hearty cry. I know exactly why it was that moment. I was in a safe zone. Everyone around me had either been through it themselves or had endured a deployment or separation with a spouse or family member.

The brands, products and the promotions behind them that support this community have the ability to do so much more than traditional retail. The work that we do benefits self-sacrificing service members and their families. I can’t think of a better market to serve.

Our experience as an agency in military marketing and public relations puts you in the spotlight by leveraging custom in-store promotions, military and traditional media, event marketing, social media, and support materials to help increase brand awareness and establish brand identity within this critical target market.

No matter how hardened a base and its inhabitants may seem, I assure you, everyone is a little more tender on the inside because of the extreme lifestyles they must lead. It’s our responsibility to communicate to military patrons how your products add value to their hectic lives.

I started Branch 5 Marketing Collective in 2015 because I am driven to continue to serve the military market with my working and personal knowledge of its customers. Our agency is informed and focused.

It’s my mission to do right by my clients and by my military family.

Let’s do this.

First Name Signature

Stephanie Medlin
President and Founder
Branch 5 Marketing Collective
(858) 860-4039