January 6, 2015

Military Resale

Military DeCA Commissary Shopper Marketing

Integrate your in-store promotional efforts with calculated advertising support for a total retail experience that will drive military shoppers directly to your products. We typically see a 33-120% incremental lift from promotional overlays.

> Reaching Today’s Military Consumers: DeCA, The Exchange, MCX, NEX & CGEX

The military marketplace is unlike any other. You need an agency that’s informed with the sales cycle, limitations and best promotional practices to be successful in the military retail channel.

In a $19 billion dollar market with a challenging economic climate, it is imperative to select an agency that has a comprehensive knowledge of its consumer base. Meet Branch 5, a military spouse-owned agency with over a decade of marketing experience specifically in the military resale.

For most military patrons, the average Commissary is 2.5 times as far from home as the local grocery store.1 With a market that’s willing to go the distance to utilize their number one non-pay benefit, it is crucial to execute a precise marketing campaign that resonates with these fast-paced, cost-conscious shoppers and drives your product into their basket.

Military consumers have different purchasing habits than the general population. Justly so, given their lives are led much differently than their civilian counterparts. Inside the gates, most military shoppers are young, family-oriented and diverse. Almost half of active-duty heads are under 35 compared with nearly 16% in the Total U.S. Shopper market.2 By contrast, it is estimated that 45% of DeCA shoppers are retirees over the age of 65.3

>> So What’s Our Competitive Advantage? 

NAS Jacksonville, FL Commissary

Branch 5 is committed to doing right by its clients and its extended military family. Stephanie’s intrinsic knowledge of our nation’s service members and their families provides a competitive advantage to her clients by offering targeted concepts and a more focused approach. Her experience puts brands in the spotlight by leveraging custom in-store promotions, military and traditional media, event marketing, social media and support materials that create unique branding opportunities within this exceptional market.

Branch 5’s unique consumer insights help your brands connect with these 20+ million authorized shoppers by creating authentic promotions informed by data and strategy. Stephanie knows how to meet the challenges of this extraordinary market, resulting in a brand experience that generates excitement and delivers impactful results.

Branch 5 is focused on the military market and ready to join forces.

Let Stephanie help you Cover Your Bases.

1 Data courtesy of The American Logistics Association, A Brief Overview
2,3 Data courtesy of the Nielsen HomeScan DeCA Database