5 Things You Should Be Doing in 2015

Marketing in general has undergone a drastic transformation in recent years. Brands striving to expand their footprint must engage and retain customers as well aggressively act to acquire new ones. They must continually adapt new strategies and be willing to plan, work, rework, quantify and modify to keep up with a changing marketplace.

Gone are the days of relying on a sale price and a few strategically placed signs to point customers in the right direction. If brands are not engaging and in well-placed touch points, you will likely just be part of the noise.

Here’s a list of our top marketing must-haves for brands moving forward in 2015:

  1. Flash Promotions

What common vehicle do you associate with mega giants Southwest Airlines, Amazon and Kohl’s? That’s right, flash promotions. Whether they are one day, 36 hours, 4 days or for 2 hours only, folks can’t hold back their excitement to participate in these blink-of-an-eye offers. If you are looking to provide a quick lift in a short period of time, offer shorter windows of availability and make the deal too good to pass up.

  1. Grassroots Marketing

Ah, an oldie but a goodie. Something has been missing since every company dove in head first into the digital age. Instead of casting a wide marketing net with a website, hit the streets. Have brand ambassadors engage consumers with an exclusive coupon, tchotchke or free sample (and a smile!). You can bet that you are going to move more units than that banner hanging over your products. Companies that are willing to hit the pavement and engage with customers on a local level will experience a sizeable gain in their market share.


Ft. Campbell, KY: The Original Gets Originality. Nathan’s Beef Franks hit the road last summer, dispersing brand ambassadors to select military bases. As part of their grassroots efforts, they sampled product, distributed high-value coupons and gave away branded merchandise.


  1. Building Ingenious Displays

Encourage sales reps or merchandisers to present your product in an unusual, creative way. Literally build your products into some kind of centerpiece. If you can’t stack the product, using oversized, catchy point of sale elements in your display is a must. Break out the lighted palm trees, barbeque grills, 3-D graphics, festive décor – whatever – just do something different. Not only will shoppers love it, but store management will love the excitement it generates.

  1. Referral Perks

Reward your existing customers for doing something they already do every day on social media – telling their friends and family about a great deal (This may tie in nicely with a flash promotion). Leverage an offer that encourages sharing and then let your customers do your promoting for you.

  1. Utilizing Influencers

One of the greatest lessons we’ve learned from the digital age is that traditional media is not what it used to be. Instead of paying thousands of dollars in print, invest time reaching out to influencers. Influencers are the individuals with thousands of social media followers who are key players in giving your brand that extra push; with the right plan, of course. Word of mouth is the best marketing money can’t (directly) buy. Empower customers with different ways to talk and share.

Instead of competing for the same set of dollars within your industry, utilize a combination of these strategies into your marketing mix to expand your 2015 market share and beyond. These fresh vehicles will help you reach an untapped audience and restore engagement with current customers.

First Name Signature
Stephanie Medlin
President and Founder
Branch 5 Marketing Collective
(858) 860-4039